So I’ve been wondering recently..

Posted: August 18, 2010 in design philosophy

What inspires me?

Looking at my past designs,  I draw inspirations from anything and everything! But it’s usually what I’m really interested in at the moment..

Let’s have some examples from past assignments..

Bayonetta & my hair-inspired swimsuit designs.

Steampunk-inspired pants in First Year.

I realize through these and looking at old visual diaries, that I tend to take a lot of inspiration from really niche subcultures(Steampunk, fRuiTs, Lolita, etc) to video games to comic books to movies to TV shows. I’m probably the BIGGEST geek imaginable, so that’s probably no surprise.. Hehe..

At the moment, my brain has been swirling with military-themed designs because I’ve been obsessing over a few HBO miniseries.. They are Band of Brothers, The Pacific and Generation Kill, all of which have to do with military exploits in human history. And when Dior’s 2010 Pre-Fall WW2-inspired collection came out, I nearly died with love.. Here it is.


And that is probably why John Galliano is one of my favourite designers of all time. I can see what inspires him and sometimes I feel like we’re inspired by and enjoy romanticising similar things, though he’s probably 12287361273682173times better than I am… :’)

That being said, this subject, on WHAT INSPIRES ME, is actually way too broad for me to pinpoint. I take inspiration from what I’m interested in at the moment and work from there, and seeing as that constantly changes, I can’t really say, can I? 🙂

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