Archive for the ‘for us by us’ Category


Posted: August 23, 2010 in for us by us

…Just a teaser for tomorrow’s presentation…


Posted: August 21, 2010 in for us by us
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Ok, not really.. I still have a bit of handsewing left to do… 

Anyway, some dot-point reflections on the process and final outcome:

  • I really enjoyed patterning and making the dress.
  • Twee was IMMENSELY helpful during my patternmaking process. I cannot thank her enough!
  • Never done a lining before and successfully did it for this so I feel a high sense of accomplishment!
  • I still wish I had enough fabric to incorporate the cowls into the skirt.. 😦
  • I really like how the mix of fabrics work together! ♥
  • Looking at other classmate’s designs, I kinda wish I had the brain power to come up with something half as amazing as their stuff..
  • But it’s okay, because designing like this is just HOW I ROLL!! 🙂
  • And lastly, SEWING IS REALLY FUN! I never actually found it this awesome till the past few days… ♥
  • ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

After many MANY tedious hours of sewing and/or unpicking because of my silly mistakes, here is the dress nearing completion! :’) Here is the top and skirt separately.. I’m seriously liking this mix of fabrics.. *sigh*

Lining a dress..

Posted: August 21, 2010 in for us by us
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Ah. This part was actually pretty fun for me! I’ve never done any lining before, whatsoever, being the n00b at sewing that I am.. I managed to find myself a lovely tutorial that had pictures as well! It was so easy after I did it. 😀 FUN TIMES!

Here is the product of my efforts!!! 🙂 Pretty happy, I must say~

SO… I spent 12hrs.. 12 frickin’ HOURS! pattern-making and cutting them out.. SO TIRED, but SO WORTH IT.. Coz having all the pieces ready to just be sewn together is the best..

Also, Twee(sp?) was the most helpful in helping me with my skirt pattern! I ran into a little problem with my design.. I had initially wanted cowls in my skirt, but due to insufficient fabric, I had to change my design to just incorporate darts into the skirt.. Ah well, win some, lose some!

Also, cutting out the patterns on the dinner table at home was pretty entertaining.. I had an audience with the people I live with.. Haha! It was hilarious! And cutting out the skirt was less stressful when I had another mind to help me with how to place the pattern on the limited amount of fabric… THANK YOU, 师姐!!!!

there is a plan!

Posted: August 20, 2010 in for us by us
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So, I have decided to work with these 3 garments and turn it into the dress below! Gonna be fun, since I’ve never done a dress before.. And a LINED dress at that… :O

The idea behind this design was to create my own fRuiTs girl from the clothes I had to work with. She has to take interesting fabrics from second-hand clothing and mix them together to make something entirely new and random! I tried to incorporate as much bright colours into it as I could and this is what I came up with!

Now if only I had a model I could dress up to look like my drawing… Hahaha!!



Posted: August 19, 2010 in for us by us
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This is just me.. drawing.. 😀 This has been a post.

See all that fabric around me? I was trying to think of ways to put them together.. Thanks for letting me go over for dinner that night, Danni!!! I probably wouldn’t have gotten any designs out if I hadn’t… :’)

my favourite

Posted: August 13, 2010 in for us by us
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The girl on the right is my absolute FAVOURITE in this book! I love her idea behind her point of fashion and I can actually see if come through in her clothes in a really weird way!

Name: Tomozou
Coat: Second-hand
Camisole: Ten Count
Skirt: handmade
Shoes: bought at an old man’s shop
Point of Fashion: pretending to be Hawaiian
Current Obsession: cocoa

Here are a few of my favourite looks! I love how random they all are.. ARGH It’s amazing! And some of them have Points of Fashion, which I find really interesting trying to see if they can show it through their clothes. 🙂

look at the pretty..

Posted: August 12, 2010 in for us by us
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Was looking through some magazines for another class and I came across this photoshoot.. It’s frickin’ BEAUTIFUL! OH ME OH MY~ It satiates the tiny Japanophile in me…

And I also had some other ideas in regards to this Neo-Tribalism thing.. The one that is really sticking out in my mind right now is the idea of the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia. Wouldn’t they be considered a Neo-Tribe? I think they fit the description!

Anyway, this is how my mind jumped:

Neo-Tribalism –> Japan –> fRuiTs –> Yakuza –> O-Ren Ishii from Kill Bill –> Geishas

Now check out this BEAUTIFUL photoshoot….

Do they not look like they could be DEADLY-NINJA-GEISHAS who could kill you with a look, but doing their jobs in an extremely beautiful, elegant and sophisticated way?? I don’t condone killing, this is just REALLY REALLY PRETTY…

Can’t remember which magazine it was in, but it was an old one and it belonged to Danni… 🙂